Monday 6 October 2014



Saving Private Ryan

The sound for Saving Private Ryan starts with quite a muffled sound, this being what the character, played by Tom Hanks, can initially hear. Although quite faint we can still hear the sound of gun shots and screaming; we as an audience can hear what the character is hearing which even though quite faint it can still have a strong effect on us. The sound for this clip is diegetic, we can see it happening on the screen, however we are only hearing what one character can hear and therefore presume that it is either dye to shock from the different camera angles that are used to show the facial expressions or the impact of the water, bombs, etc. The pitch of the muffled sound starts to increase which therefore suggests that the intensity of not only the initial scene that the audience is seeing but the scene happening around the main protagonist is starting to increase in comparison to that which we have previously been shown. 
Finally when his hearing is no longer impaired is when the audience get the full idea of the scene, due to all of the diegetic sounds which can be heard, such as dialogue and sound effects such as gun shots, screams and bombs going off which gives us the initial idea of the setting of the set and the sound creates both the mood and atmosphere.

500 Days of Summer

In the clip for 500 Days of Summer, we see our main protagonist strolling down the street with an obvious happy expression and the non- diegetic music matches this emotion of the character; therefore giving this idea of emotional realism in this scene. The sound being heard in the scene is non-diegetic and therefore only the audience can hear it, the song that can be heard in the scene isn't actually being heard by the characters, but almost like a song that is being played in the characters head to reflect his emotions.